This Health and Safety Policy is not an exhaustive list of all the hazards and risks that may be present in your workplace. It is the company's responsibility to ensure this policy is reviewed periodically and/or following a significant change to ensure it remains compliant with legislation. The Policy should be read in conjunction with any separate policies and procedures provided for the health, safety, and welfare of employees and those affected by your work activities.
School Space (hereafter referred to as ‘the company’) is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of its employees and those affected by its undertaking, and it will, so far as is reasonably practicable, establish procedures and implement arrangements to comply with our statutory obligations.
This Health and Safety Policy has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. It defines how we will manage the health and safety risks associated with our business, premises, and activities and follows the principles of ‘plan, do, check and act’. It will be signed and delivered by the most senior person within the company.
The company will implement a systematic and proactive approach to health and safety management ensuring that foreseeable risks are assessed and control measures are communicated effectively to those affected. We will also measure our performance to ensure that continual improvement can be achieved and that employees, members of the public, and others can benefit from the efforts made.
This Policy has been created by the named consultant from WorkNest with the cooperation of our team. They have signed the Policy to confirm that at the time of creation it is suitable, sufficient, and relevant to our circumstances and operations. Our nominated responsible person has signed the Policy to confirm that it is a true reflection of the activities and operations that we undertake and the circumstances in which the company operates.
Creation Date |
Signed on behalf of WorkNest |
Confirmed |
23/08/2022 |
Scott Crichton |
Y |
Policy Review
This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed annually by the company and the WorkNest representative. Details of the review and/or amendment will be recorded below.
Date |
Reason for review/amendment |
Change made by |
Health and Safety Policy Statement
School Space recognises that it has a legal duty of care towards protecting the health and safety of its employees and others who may be affected by its activities. As part of that commitment we will:
- maintain the workplace and sites in a safe condition and provide adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work;
- provide a safe means of access to and egress from the workplace and sites;
- identify and adequately control health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
- provide and maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe;
- make arrangements for ensuring health and safety in connection with the use, handling, and storage of articles and substances;
- ensure the workplace is clean and tidy and measures are taken to control the spread of infection;
- we will cooperate and coordinate with occupiers of premises where multiple parties are present within;
- safely and responsibly dispose of all waste generated through our activities;
- provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of its employees and other persons;
- consult with employees regarding health and safety matters; and
- undertake continual monitoring and review of our performance to improve standards further.
This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes to the business activities and any changes to legislation. Any changes to the Policy will be brought to the attention of all employees.
Name: James LloydSigned: James Lloyd
Position: Chief Executive OfficerDated: 25/11/22
Organisation and Responsibilities
This part of our policy describes how the company is organised to manage health and safety and provides a clear understanding of individuals’ areas of responsibility.
Overall responsibility for health and safety rests with the CEOs who shall:
- ensure a safe place of work and provide adequate resources to execute this policy; and
- ensure this policy is brought to the attention of all employees within their control.
They may delegate responsibility for the delivery of health and safety policy, but the CEOs will remain accountable for the actions or inactions relating to this policy and contents therein.
All managers shall:
- ensure that all health and safety duties delegated to them by senior management are undertaken in line with this policy
- ensure that the contents of this policy is brought to the attention of the persons under their control and that regular consultation with employees takes place;
- ensure all risks presented to employees and others are identified and appropriate risk controls are implemented and properly communicated;
- identify training needs commensurate with the risk identified and provide adequate training and supervision to ensure that all team members are competent;
- carry out periodic health and safety inspections of the workplace and equipment to ensure that all necessary controls are in place and being adhered to;
- ensure that all contractors operating under their control are properly controlled
- investigate, report (to the HSE where applicable) and record accidents and implement measures to ensure that corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence.
Every employee shall:
- take reasonable care of their own safety and that of any person affected by their actions or inactions;
- cooperate with their employer in all matters relating to health and safety;
- attend training sessions where required and adhere to all safe systems of work implemented by the company;
- use equipment in accordance with the company and the manufacturer’s instructions;
- report all hazards and / or accidents to allow management to investigate and implement controls where required;
- ensure that PPE clothing and equipment is used as directed;
- ensure that all infection control procedures are followed; and
- report any unsafe conditions and defective equipment to their line manager using the appropriate escalation methods.
WorkNest will provide advice and assistance on Health and Safety issues through a programme of site visits and telephone advisory service available 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year. WorkNest will conduct an annual general risk assessment and produce an action plan together with recommended timeframes for completion. It is the responsibility of the company to progress actions identified on the assessment.
This part of our policy describes the arrangements in place to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
Accident Investigation and Reporting
The company requires employees to report all accidents / incidents / near misses as they occur, and will ensure that they are investigated to establish the causes and recommend any actions to rectify and prevent recurrence.
It is the responsibility of the senior management team to investigate all accidents including those involving members of the public, visiting personnel or contractors, and to share the findings of the investigation where necessary with enforcing authorities and insurers.
Communication and Consultation
The company will communicate and consult with employees on issues affecting their health and safety and take account of their views. Effective communication and consultation will be achieved through:
- Notice boards
- Internal publications
- Staff training/meetings
- Slack communications
The company will also display the ‘Health and Safety Law – What You Need To Know’ poster in a prominent position or communicate similar information by other means.
Display Screen Equipment
All reasonable steps will be taken by the company to secure the health and safety of employees who are required to use display screen equipment (DSE) in order to complete the entirety of their daily duties. The company will:
- carry out an assessment of each user’s workstation;
- implement necessary measures to remedy any risks; and
- provide adequate information and training to persons working with DSE and how risks to health are to be avoided.
The company will arrange for free eye tests when requested and arrange for the supply of any corrective appliances (glasses or contact lenses) where these are required specifically for working with DSE.
Employees must comply with the instructions and training given regarding safe workstation set-up and use, the use of the equipment provided, and take regular breaks or changes of activity. Employees with a disability, health condition or who are suffering from discomfort which may affect their ability to work using DSE must inform their line manager.
All homeworkers for the purposes of management of risks are deemed as DSE users and will be treated the same.
All reasonable steps will be taken to secure the health and safety of employees who use electrical equipment. The company will ensure:
- electrical installations and equipment are installed in accordance with the Wiring Regulations published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
- fixed installations are in a safe condition and routinely tested; and
- all portable and transportable equipment is inspected and tested.
Employees must visually check electrical equipment for damage before use and report any defects found to their line manager.
Employees must not carry out any repair to any electrical item or bring any electrical item onto the premises until it has been tested. Electric cables should be arranged in such a position that they do not cause a tripping hazard or be subject to damage.
The company will undertake a fire risk assessment of our main offices and will request the provision of a fire risk assessment for each site that is occupied by our team.
First Aid
The company will make sufficient provision for first aid to deal with accidents and injuries that arise at work.
An adequately stocked first aid box containing at least the minimum supplies suggested by L74: First Aid at Work Approved Code of Practice will be held at the office and at each of our school sites.
Information, Supervision and Training
All employees will be provided the necessary instruction, training and supervision in order to carry out their duties safely and without presenting a risk to themselves or any other person affected by their undertakings. Employees will receive health and safety training on induction and refresher training at intervals determined by the company. Training will include but not be limited to:
- hazard spotting and risk control measures;
- fire safety awareness and emergency procedures;
- safe operation of equipment; and
- accident, incident and near miss reporting.
Job specific training will be provided as necessary. All training records will be retained by the company.
The office provider will assess the risk of legionella at the main office location and bring the results to the attention of the company when necessary.
The company will request the provision of a risk assessment/health and safety audit for each school site that is occupied by our team.
Lone Working
The company will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that employees who are required to work alone or unsupervised for significant periods of time are protected from risks to their health and safety.
The company will determine, by risk assessment, those activities where work can actually be done safely by one unaccompanied person. In carrying out the risk assessment particular consideration will be given to:
- the remoteness or isolation of the workplace;
- suitable means of communication including in the event of an emergency;
- the possibility of interference, such as violence or assault from other persons; and
- the nature of injury or damage to health and anticipated "worst case" scenarios
Employees and others will be given all necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to enable them to recognise the hazards and appreciate the risks involved with working alone.
Manual Handling
Where practicable the need for manual handling will be eliminated. However, when it is necessary the line manager will assess the risk to all employees arising for any identified manual handling tasks and to:
- eliminate the task where possible
- reduce the load to be handled if elimination is not possible;
- provide apparatus and equipment to handle the load;
- provide adequate instruction and training.
New and Expectant Mothers
The company recognises that the general precautions taken to protect the health and safety of the workforce as a whole may not in all cases protect new and expectant mothers and there may be occasions when, due to their condition, different and/or additional measures will be necessary. The company will ensure that risk assessments are carried out for all work activities undertaken by new and expectant mothers and that associated records and documentation are maintained.
Occupational Driving
The company recognises that some roles require driving on company business. The company is committed to reducing the risks its team face or create when driving at work and will:
- ensure risk assessments are completed and that journeys are planned;
- not put unreasonable time constraints on travel; and
- ensure those driving for business are competent, authorised and fit.
Drivers will remain responsible for their safety and must comply with the Highway Code and road traffic legislation. Drivers must hold a valid licence and valid insurance for business use and be physically fit and not suffering from any health conditions or injuries or using medication that may affect their ability to drive safely. Drivers are responsible for maintaining their own vehicles. Any accidents/incidents occurring whilst driving on behalf of the company must be reported to their line manager.
Risk Assessment
The company understands that risk assessments are the foundation of an effective safety management system. The company will carry out a general risk assessment and where necessary produce specific risk assessments that will be suitable and sufficient. A record of any significant findings will be made.
The risk assessment will be undertaken by:
CEOs/ School Operations Managers/ Project Manager
Risk assessors will work in conjunction with any other person that may offer expertise within that particular area to ensure that the risk assessments are suitable and sufficient and in line with relevant legislation. The risk assessment findings will be brought to the attention of all employees through the most effective means. When undertaking risk assessments the following hierarchy of risk control measures will apply:
- Eliminate the risk where possible
- Reduce the risk or substitute for a less hazardous alternative
- Isolate and/or segregate the hazard from the person
- Procedural arrangements including systems of work
- Personal protective equipment.
Managers shall ensure risk control measures are implemented. Risk assessments will be reviewed at regular intervals or whenever there is a change in circumstances that undermines the validity of the assessment.
The Health and Safety Executive defines stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them”. This makes an important distinction between pressure, which can be a positive state if managed correctly, and stress which can be detrimental to health.
Stress at work can come about for a variety of reasons. It may be excessive workload, unreasonable expectations, or overly-demanding work colleagues. As a reasonable company, we try to ensure that you are in a pleasant working environment and that you are as free from stress as possible.
We will:
- work to identify all workplace stressors and conduct risk assessments to eliminate stress or control the risks from stress
- regularly review risk assessments
- consult with the HR Team on issues relating to the prevention of work-related stress
- provide confidential support for employees affected by stress caused either by work or external factors
- provide training for all managers and supervisory team members in good management practices
- provide adequate resources to enable managers to implement the company’s agreed stress management strategy.
Employees who experience unreasonable stress which they think may be caused by work should raise their concerns with their Manager.
Violence at Work
Violence and aggression is defined as actual or threatened physical assaults on team members and psychological abuse such as shouting, swearing and gestures. The company will not tolerate such behaviour and will:
- carry out risk assessments of potential conflict situations to determine the control measures necessary to protect employees;
- ensure that premises and sites are kept secure including during periods of lone working;
- inform all employees of the procedure following a violent or challenging behaviour incident and support the employees involved in any incident;
- train employees who may be exposed to violence or challenging behaviour situations; and
- keep records of all incidents of violence and aggression and review the control measures.
Visitors and Members of the Public
The company will ensure so as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of visitors to the company and in sites. This includes ensuring that all areas where the public are present are safe and without foreseeable risk.
Any employee who notices persons acting in a way which would endanger colleagues should notify their line manager or the On-Call Team. If the danger is immediate, common sense must be used to give warning, call for assistance or give aid as necessary.
Monitoring and Review
Measurement is essential to maintain and improve our health and safety performance by identifying how effectively we are controlling risks and how well we are developing a positive health and safety culture.
There are two types of performance monitoring, active and reactive.
Proactive monitoring
Proactive monitoring is designed to identify and where necessary rectify risks before they cause harm. The company will ensure that checks and inspections of the workplace are undertaken at suitable frequencies and a record made against relevant health and safety standards. Much of this checking will be informal and not recorded but formalised, structured checks will also be undertaken and recorded to demonstrate compliance with legal standards.
A general risk assessment and fire risk assessment will be undertaken by our competent person each year which will support the company’s active monitoring arrangements.
Reactive monitoring
Reactive monitoring is triggered after an event including accidents, incidents, and cases of ill health or property damage. The company will investigate all such incidents which provide an opportunity to check performance and learn from mistakes and improve control measures.
Investigations may also provide valuable information in the event of legal action or an employee claim.
Following monitoring and reviewing health and safety performance and documentation, the company will revise all procedures, assessments and documentation wherever necessary and bring these amendments to the attention of all employees.
It is the responsibility of the Head of operations to ensure active and reactive monitoring arrangements are undertaken.
Company Safety Rules
It is incumbent on every employee to observe the following safety rules. Failure to do so will be considered to be a breach of the contract of employment and may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Employees must:
- take reasonable care of their own safety and that of any person affected by their actions or inactions;
- be aware of and adhere to the company’s rules and procedures on health and safety;
- immediately report any unsafe working practices or conditions to their line manager;
- comply with all laid down emergency procedures and ensure all fire escape routes, fire equipment and fire doors are not obstructed;
- ensure passageways and work areas are kept clean and tidy and spillages are cleaned up immediately;
- make proper and safe use of all equipment and facilities provided;
- ensure all waste materials are disposed of carefully in the receptacles provided and in such a way that they do not constitute a hazard to others;
- wear suitable clothing, footwear and PPE where appropriate;
- report all injuries/incidents to their line manager and ensure that it is properly recorded in the digital accident form;
- report any medical condition which could affect the safety of themselves or others to their line manager; and
- comply with all hazard/warning signs and notices displayed on the premises.
Employees must not:
- undertake a job which appears to be unsafe;
- undertake a job until they have received adequate safety instruction and they are authorised to carry out the task;
- misuse any fire fighting equipment provided;
- interfere with any protective guards and other safety devices; and
- drive or operate vehicles in connection with work whilst suffering from a medical condition or illness that may affect their driving or operating ability.
Rules Covering Gross Misconduct
An employee will be liable to summary dismissal if they are found to have acted in any of the following ways:
- a serious or wilful breach of Safety Rules;
- wilful damage to, misuse of or interference with any item provided in the interests of health and safety or welfare at work;
- practical jokes which could cause accidents;
- deliberately disobeying an authorised instruction.
This is not an exhaustive list.